Story Time


What a week! Last Wednesday my computer totally died out the blue. I had hoped I could get it fixed since it’s only 2 years old however it was not fixable and I had to fork out a not unsubstantial amount of money for a new one. Ouch. The unexplained death also meant I was ridiculously behind on my deadlines, so to say this week has been stressful would be an understatement.

The upshot is I’ve had no time to research for content for the blog, hence why today you are getting an Instagram Stories update instead. I did document the 1 day of the 2.5 days of non rainy weather here in Glasgow though. And that isn’t even an exaggeration. It’s rained pretty much non stop since June, with the exception of about 2 days. It’s beyond depressing. The one sunny day I documented was also the first day of my tentative return to ballet after a calf injury. Not back to my usual classes, but a beginner class as the easy, slow pace provides gentle rehab for my leg. I don’t think the beginners enjoy having an advanced dancer in their class though as it’s clearly making them feel self conscious. I get that as I was always mortified if a ballerina joined our classes but needs must in my case and hopefully it won’t be for long.

Well back to the deadline catch here!