Supercomfortable Superchair




Prince B and I may not own our own home and never will, but that doesn't stop me daydreaming of what our home would look like. Needless to say it comes hand and hand with a lottery win.

I came across this stunning chair designed by French designer Guillaume Morillon, who graduated from the Ensaama Olivier de Serres in Paris in 2009 and from the Design Academy Eindhoven in 2014.
This chair, entitled La Balle, he describes as " the fusion of a chair and a superhero. Considering a superhero as a human being with overdeveloped skills - wearing exuberant costumes indicating the nature of his power - What would a Superchair look like? One of the main function of the chair is to introduce optimal proportions for a ideal confort: The super chair aims to offer a Supercomfortable sitting experience through its heroic attitude and generous texture."


This does indeed look like the most comfortable chair there ever was. However, I am now at that age where I make strained sounds whenever I get off of a chair so I suspect sitting on this would be a constantly noisy experience, lest there was some kind of hidden device which could propel me out of it each time. But then if I win the lottery I wouldn't be moving anyway so bring it on!