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Forgive me ballet

For I have sinned, it's been 3 weeks since my last ballet class.

I was actually glad of the rest as I was a bit fed up with my classes and needed a break to try and miss ballet for a while so I could get my enthusiasm back.

I found myself doing some freelance work at Scottish Ballet just before Christmas and as I designed a flier for their new adult classes starting this month, the lovely Carrie from the PR team invited me to join a special invite only 'taster' class. 

So a bunch of us popped along last night to get our limbs moving. The class was an absolute beginner class but I figured it'd be a great way to gently break myself in for going back to my proper classes on Monday. What we didn't know was the class was being filmed. I'm not sure for what exactly but if I'd known I'd have made a better effort to cover the old middle-age spread!

My First Ballet Class

Here is me during one of my first classes at Scottish Ballet as an absolute beginner!


The adult beginner classes haven't ran at Scottish Ballet for some years so it's fantastic they have decided to start them again. It was these classes that I first learned, and fell in love with, ballet. There really is nothing quite like taking classes in a real ballet company with love piano. 

The new adult beginners classes start back on 20th January but what makes them really special is that this time they will be held in the large professional studio, whereas before they were held in the smaller studio in the education department. Taking classes in the huge, pro studio would be amazing. Unfortunately for me the classes I would attend at Scottish Ballet run on the same days as my current classes. Hurrumph.

If you are based in Glasgow or close by, why not start 2016 with some ballet and join Scottish Ballet or come and dance with me at Dance HQ!