every bee matters...

Standing in my mum and dads garden in the weekend, I took a break from planting his wall baskets to just stand and watch and listen to the bees as they buzzed around doing their wonderful bee business.

We've talked about it many times here on KOS but the terrifying reality is that our beloved bees are becoming more and endangered.

So real is the threat that in March this year, Walmart ( yes that one!)  filed a patent for autonomous, robot bees. The  patent specifically covers “pollination drones.” These tiny robots could act just like bees, pollinating crops autonomously.


The robot bees would operate using sensors and cameras to help them navigate to crops. Flying around autonomously, these drones could potentially pollinate as effectively as the real thing.

It makes depressing sense. While honeybee populations are dying, we can no longer take pollination for granted. These glorious creatures are the backbone of agriculture and the food that we eat. While scientists work to better understand declining pollinator populations, and hopefully come up with solutions, these Walmart farming drones could keep agriculture, and fresh produce, alive.

In the meantime we can all need to do what we can. That might be planting more bee friendly plants and flowers or developing innovative new things like Bee Saving Paper- an innovative, biodegradable material that can be used for many purposes and works like an energy drink for bees to help them fly further.

Have a look at their great website here

Every bee matters, so if you see a little bee on the ground this summer, chances are she is exhausted and dehydrated. A little saucer with some sugar dissolved in it, should help give her enough energy to get back home.

Like the saying goes, do small things with great love - saucers at the ready dear friends

Queen Marie x