Pick up the pieces...

Every time I read a story about Lego it makes my heart a little lighter.

At the same time as the ‘Godfathers of AI’ are warning that it is about to kill us, there is something so deeply wholesome and reassuring about a toy made of little plastic bricks that continues to delight and enchant both children and adults alike.

Their latest creation is taking us straight back to the 80’s with a 2,651-piece model ‘Pac-Man’ arcade cabinet

The set is based on a real 1980s arcade game cabinet and comes complete with a light brick to illuminate the coin slot.

“Pac-Man” was launched in Tokyo in 1980 and went on to become the most successful arcade game of all time. Players control Pac-Man, a yellow, cheese-shaped character who is tasked with eating every small dot inside a maze while at the same time avoiding four ghosts.

While the Lego set does not actually function as a gaming system, it is “loaded with retro game details you’ll want to devour,” the company says. It features what Lego calls a “mechanical maze,” which is operated by turning a crank on the side of the set.

“When turned, the characters move around the maze in a realistic way, thanks to triumphant engineering efforts,” it says. Measuring 13 inches high, 10 inches wide and seven deep, the arcade cabinet has a removable back panel that reveals the inner workings of the machine.

I didn’t know that the pac man was inspired by the colour of yellow lego bricks. You learn something new every day.

The Pac-Man Arcade set goes on sale for £229 on June 4, as part of Lego’s Icons collection. That’s pretty expensive but maybe it’s cheap given the peace of mind it will give you, knowing that pac man won’t try to suffocate you in your sleep unlike your robot vacuum cleaner 🤣

Queen Marie
