Portland Mary...

Anyone who has visited KOS over the years, knows what a weakness I have for holy statues.

Not in a kitsch or mocking way, just because I really love them. They make me feel calm and hopeful and happy. Given that it feels like the whole world is either on fire or fighting in the streets right now, that is a very welcome feeling indeed.

Some of my favourites come from Mary Henlin who sells them on Etsy as ‘Portland Mary

I’m afraid I can’t tell you anything else about her apart from the fact that as well as selling her work she also hides them in places around Portland. Over here in Scotland children hide painted rocks for others to find, I would so much rather find one of these glorious statues.

I also love the fact that when you look closely you can see her fingerprints in the clay where she has brought each of them to colourful and vibrant life…

Queen Marie
