Crying Candles...

It’s been a while since we had a good creepy candle holder

Say hello to the Crying Mary candle holder

My mum was called Mary and I’m not really sure if this would make her chuckle or freak her out.

I tend to think it would give her a laugh. Regardless of that, I love it.

Perhaps a more measured approach would be just to have Our Lady as a candlestick holder without all of those beeswax tears…

Or maybe you would rather just cut straight to the chase and light a candle of Mary herself but I confess that I would be little uncomfortable that option 😉

Everything is from Disturbia. A perfect little family owned site for all the little goths in your life.

WELCOME TO THE HOUSE OF DISTURBIA -We make alternative fashion to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable. Disturbia is a state of mind - an altered shift of consciousness,a liminal place where the underground meets the mainstream.

Aww bless them.

I couldn’t end a post about candle holders without a picture our old friend Little Joseph

The original creepy candle holder and still the best….

I’m off to Krakow mid week so there will be no posts next week until I’m back. Will try to take lots of nice shots to share when I’m back.

Queen Marie
