

Over the course of 2018/2019 I was getting laser hair removal courtesy of Therapie Clinic in Glasgow. Covid ended my treatment, however, but I thought it was worth sharing my results as they stand at the moment.


In total, I had 10 treatments on my lower legs over the course of a year/year and a half. There were big gaps in treatment in the summer because you can’t get lasered when you have a suntan, so whilst a year seems like a long time, it’s not really as you can only get zapped every 4 weeks and not at all when you have had sun exposure.


My biggest fear when I started it was whether it would hurt because I’m a total pain wimp. The first few treatments stung every once in a while. It felt a bit like being snapped with an elastic band and wasn’t sore sore but enough to give you a fright and take a wee time out. But partway through my treatment, they updated all their machines and after that, the treatment was literally pain-free.


So does it work? The answer is yes but if you want to be completely hair-free on your chosen area then be prepared to spend a lot of money and time. I had 10 treatments and I still have around 20% of my hair, although I should say what’s left is a lot finer than it used to be and whilst you can feel it’s there, it’s not that visible. More hormonal areas such as the face, might take a while to see results as hormone hair is way more stubborn, but it will work eventually so would be worth sticking with.

Overall, I am very very happy with the results and plan to get some other areas treated as well getting some top-ups on my legs to get rid of the other 20%.

I really do recommend this treatment from Therapie (I can’t vouch for any other clinics doing it because I don’t have experience with them). It’s definitely pain-free with their current machines and honestly, if I’m considering doing it again then it’s genuinely pain-free.

BEAUTYQueen MichelleComment